When an artist decides to not upload the rest of their video game due to self-doubt, the player takes an unanticipated journey to discover what happened. Along the way they’ll uncover what hides in the back of an artist’s mind all while trying to keep the narrator from being fired…

            There are many types of art, and many reasons people create art. Some types exist for form or function and others exist for concept. Some art exists through the process with which it was created, other art exists in the moment as performance. My artwork reflects the process that I went through creating the work, including the personal struggles not directly tied to the creation. The title, The Space Between is meant to reference these situations and deep emotions that exist but are not seen at the surface by others. Though my work focuses on my own experiences, these situations and emotions are not uncommon with many people who similarly attempt to persevere through their mental health hurdles without even fulling acknowledging them. Such hurdles as detachment from reality, panic attacks, imposter syndrome, critiques, and even thoughts and emotions not yet understandable. These emotions are visualized in traversable virtual environments or realms and stand as a metaphor for how someone exists in these states of heavy thoughts or emotions that we live in, as if they are physical manifested states.

            My work The Space Between is an explorative first-person narrative where the player waiting for their expected game to progress, takes an unanticipated journey and accidentally uncovers these hidden away areas created by myself as the game developer. 

Check back soon for a teaser trailer!

Available Spring 2024 on Steam.com


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